Device Risk with REST API
To use Device Risk as a standalone service you can:
Integrate a JavaScript from Iovation to capture the blackbox data from the end user's device.
Upload the blackbox string as a Data --> Device Risk credential using the Jumio REST API.
Call the finalize API to process the transaction.
Integrating the Iovation JavaScript
Download the loader.js JavaScript file from Iovation for generating the blackbox.
Multi-Domain Recognition
The Iovation script will dynamically load additional resources from both your domain (the First-party domain) and TransUnion's domain (the Third-party domain). Including scripts from both of these domains allows the following:
Third-Party JavaScript: Share fraud history for devices and accounts across TransUnion subscribers.
First-Party JavaScript: Collect device information for users whose browsers are configured to disable third-party JavaScript, or that block the TransUnion domain.
Retrieving the dynamic first party script will require you to implement a reverse proxy in your own domain to redirect the script requests through your own servers. This avoids potential problems with browsers canceling the requests.
Configuring the JavaScript
To configure the Iovation JavaScript you must define settings for a configuration object that is used by the JavaScript. If the object is not defined, default values will be used.
The configuration object has various sections and looks something like the following:
/* Copyright(c) 2016, iovation, inc. All rights reserved. */ window.io_global_object_name = "IGLOO"; window.IGLOO = window.IGLOO || { "bbout_element_id" : "iobb", "bb_callback": null, "loader" : { "uri_hook" : "iojs", "version" : "general5", "subkey" : "5FExse+oA1134BhiwCF2EeQ1TfisPJGha4CpVG2nd7E=" } };
You will receive a configuration script in addition to the collection script. You can include these separately, combine them or in-line the definition on your page.
Configuration script sections
TransUnion Global Object Name
Before delving into the options available, a quick word on the io_global_object_name, IGLOO, by default. In earlier versions of the scripts, TransUnion configured the script through the use of global variables. While this approach is simple enough, it can add a lot of additional variables to the window object which has the potential to collide with other scripts.
To remedy this, TransUnion has created an object that encapsulates all of the settings and functionality and you can change the ID to prevent potential collisions by changing the name.
window.io_global_object_name = "<your custom name>"
If you do change the value, references functions and values as follows:
window.<your custom name>.xxxxx
Change the following as well:
window.IGLOO = window.IGLOO ||
to match your new custom name.
TransUnion configuration object has 2 main components:
Generic settings that indicate how to retrieve a device print and restrictions on what information is collected, for instance Flash values
Loader settings that indicate how to access first-party components and basic debug and versioning information
Each set of configuration options belongs in a specific section of the object:
/* Copyright(c) 2016, iovation, inc. All rights reserved. */ window.io_global_object_name = "IGLOO"; window.IGLOO = window.IGLOO || { // generic settings go here as // "option" : value ... "loader" : { // loader configuration options go here as // "option" : value } };
Generic Configuration Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
bbout_element_id | string, optional | The ID of the HTML element to populate with the blackbox from the third-party JavaScript. If bb_callback is specified, this parameter has no effect. |
bb_callback | function, optional |
This JavaScript function is an event handler that is called when a collection method has finished updating a blackbox. This must be a function, not a string Declare the function as follows: "bb_callback" : function ( bb, complete) { // code to process blackbox here } The variables store the following:
enable_rip | boolean, optional | true |
Loader Configuration Options
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
uri_hook | string, optional | iojs |
Location of dynamic first party components. This should be a reference to the web directory being proxied. You can use relative or absolute references, but should not use a complete URL. For example, if your reverse proxy is accessed from, and your page is loaded from:, you would use: "uri_hook" : "/iov/wdp" If the reverse proxy is accessed at and your page is at, you might use: "uri_hook" : "iojs" This should not be a URL (i.e. include http(s)://host:port) as this will fail and the scripts must be loaded from the same domain as the page. |
subkey | string, optional | This will be an TransUnion assigned value that tracks requests from your site. This is primarily used for debugging and troubleshooting purposes. | |
version | string, required | general5 |
This is the version of the script to load. The value should either correspond to a specific version you wish to use, or one of the following aliases to get the latest version of the code:
general5 and early5 may be the same code, however, any new changes will be released on early5 prior to general5. Once the new release has been vetted in production and deemed satisfactory, general5 will be updated to match early5. |
trace_handler |
function, optional |
This JavaScript function can be used to provide tracing messages for the script. This will provide information on the progress of the script and is useful for debugging purposes. Declare the function as follows: "trace_handler" : function (message) { // process/record trace message here } where message is the trace message provided by the script. |
Example Configuration File
/* Copyright(c) 2016, iovation, inc. All rights reserved. */ window.io_global_object_name = "IGLOO"; window.IGLOO = window.IGLOO || { "bbout_element_id" : "iobb", "loader" : { "uri_hook" : "/iojs", "version" : "general5", "subkey" : "5FExse+oA1134BhiwCF2EeQ1TfisPJGha4CpVG2nd7E=" } };
Define the bb_callback Function
The callback interface allows you to manage blackbox generation in a more event-driven manner. As blackbox collection progresses,the script fires update events as collection methods complete. These events trigger a user-defined callback function to update the page with the new blackbox value. When all of the collection methods are completed, a Boolean flag is set indicating no further updates are expected and the value is the final blackbox value.
In the JavaScript configuration parameters, set the bb_callback parameter to a function that processes the blackbox value, and that has the following signature:
function bb_update_callback( bb, complete)
bb is the updated value of the blackbox
complete is a boolean value that indicates whether all collection methods (Flash, etc.) are complete
/* Copyright(c) 2016, iovation, inc. All rights reserved. */ window.io_global_object_name = "IGLOO"; window.IGLOO = window.IGLOO || { "bb_callback": function ( bb, complete ) { var bb_field = document.getElementById( "bb" ); bb_field.value = bb; }, "loader" : { "version" : "general5", "subkey" : "5FExse+oA1134BhiwCF2EeQ1TfisPJGha4CpVG2nd7E=" } };
To Configure the Reverse Proxy:
Set up a proxy configuration within your domain.
Specify a URI for
on your site. Using the URI, forward any requests beginning with: -
Direct the proxy to forward the requests to the following URL:
Example NGINX Configuration
Edit the default.conf configuration file and add the following lines to the server section:
server { .. other configuration entries ... location /iojs/ { proxy_pass; } ... }
Uploading the Blackbox as Data--> Prepared Data
A request to update or create an account that references a workflow that calls Device Risk will include a DATA credential with a "device_risk" part. The JSON object for the credential will include the bearer token and URL for uploading the blackbox obtained from the Iovation SDK.
"credentials": [ { "id": "9d79ed28-947b-4b83-9dfc-80b64467d70c", "category": "DATA", "label": "DATA", "allowedChannels": [ "API" ], "api": { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInppcCI6IkdaSVAifQ.H4sIAAAAAAAA_5XLOw4CMQxF0b2kxlLiycemQ1S07MCfpBugQIIRYu8EdkD3dHXeK_Tn4R72IVWuudREuBQOuyBmJ5_dY3LWVqEYEmSfS6s4dGRjSUqRypf_MI0xWSNAFZs4G6gLg3R1cmyiC078GP0fbuc-pl6343W9yWX7pt-_GblFHpBT6ZCxDWAaCj0NKdFVEWN4fwAX03Be4wAAAA.wR-1U9aOdOk4gJiDc665u2i4-clB8-g2CATM1YODcFuDec5_gumFa2wJh7eoMPGoZoJmWXEEMDZaG6VjSLajZw", "parts": { "device_risk": "" }, "workflowExecution": "" } } ]
Data -> Device Risk Credential
Key |
Type |
Mandatory |
Description |
sessionId |
string |
Yes |
Blackbox obtained from Iovation SDK. |
Example: Data --> Device Risk Credential Body
{ "sessionId": "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" }